
Griffins Head

28 Wilby Road
Mears Ashby
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyGardenEvening MealsSeparate BarDisabled AccessParkingSmokingRestaurantFunction RoomDog FriendlyWiFiServes LocAleLive MusicMember Discount SchemeBeer Festivals
Opening times: Mon–Fri 17:00-23:00; Sat 12:00-24:00; Sun 12:00-20:00
Regular beers: Digfield Barnwell Bitter, Digfield Chiffchaff, Timothy Taylor Landlord

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A friendly local village public house offering a fine selection of real ales. Re-opened in August 2023 following extensive refurbishment which provides a L-shaped front bar with modern wooden flooring. The rear long room is now the restaurant and is beautifully decorated. Note the unusual windows to the front similar to those of the Midland Railway. A changing upmarket menu is complemented with pizzas on Thursday and Friday.